Happy Sunday

Winter is over. I feel happy and more satisfied with the March weather.
Today is Sunday and I decided to write about my friend, colleague and founder of ‘OUT OF GIDI’ brand Valentine Ramsey and coincidentally his last name is Sunday.

Valentine Ramsey

These pictures you see below were taken 2 years ago by me during winter. The idea was created by Valentine. At the time I had just started my photography business and I was not entirely confident in my skills. I met Valentine who inspired me and gave me more belief in myself. I did not have expensive equipment and much experience. Two years ago I was using a Canon 600d camera and 50 mm f/1.8 lens. He gave me a Canon 5d Mark 3 and high level lenses to use. Believe me it gave me an opportunity to see the world differently and make my dreams come true. It is true that if you are talented you can take photos with your phone or bad camera and it will still be amazing. Interesting and creative pictures with bad quality can be cool and it will show your professionalism in working with any kind of things and in any kind of situation. But we all know that quality and more opportunities which give you comfort in work help you a lot in your business. At the time I needed to jump out of my box so Valentine opened my eyes and showed me a new reality.

Right now Valentine is in Nigeria but he is planning to come back to Ukraine very soon for some time. Hopefully we will do some new creative things working together.
I love this photo shoot because it was one of my first photo shoots which I snapped with inspiration and not for money, just for the idea and it came out well. At least I am not embarrassed with old works as it could be sometimes when you cannot believe you are the one who did it.

Valentine wore a suit by a Nigerian designer Emmy Kasbit, shoes and coat from Zara. Also you can see the red socks which he bought from the subway’s shop as I remember to make it look more unusual. We brought the red chair from his house and used a lens like cup with hot tea as a symbol of photography and art.

Anyway it was a very creative and invaluable experience working together. I will always remember everybody who helped me with my first steps in anything and was with me at the beginning. Thank you, Valentine.
Happy Sunday to everybody!

4 thoughts on “Happy Sunday

  1. Wow .. fotografias incríveis! *.* amei
    Obrigada pela visita, linda!!
    Boa semana pra você! Até mais. Beijos ;*

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