Sweater and sliders

Last week was snowing and raining in and we are in the month of April. I did not have a mood to do anything.

Fortunately the weather got better and now it is warmer in Ukraine. There are many people on the street having a nice time and enjoying the weather. Besides, some people’s dressing is really weird now. Unstable weather influenced people’s look and style. You can see some of them would wear winter clothes, long boots and a warm cap; others wear shorts with naked legs and open shoes. It might look funny a little bit but I find it interesting.

Today I tried to make a perfect match of a sweater from Topshop with simple blue sliders.This look is completely simple and minimal. Although, I don’t think I would like to add any other details to this outfit.

Comfortable high wasted blue denim from River Island, grey simple bag from one of these markets on the road and sunglasses from here are a perfect combination for the street walk with my friends and photography business.

Comfortable and easy to wear.

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