Military influence on fashion

Your personal style gives the basis for self-expression in fashion and in society. It is interesting that the military garb is associated with such phenomenons as uniformity, anonymity and subordination. These statments are absolutely not comparable with self-expression. But most of us like camouflage colors or clothes like a military uniform. Many times we don’t even notice how many of army type of clothes we have in out closet. Alice Fisher, style correspondent for the Guardian‘s Observer Magazine, puts it, “Military influence on fashion is so pervasive that we are almost blind to it.”
Can you see the influance of military style in my look? Of course, it is just an opinion but I try to hide some of military type of fashion echoes in my winter outfit:

Snap Button Fur Pink Parka Coat refers to a military fishtail parka;

Denim Turn Down Collar Long Sleeve Jumpsuit refers to an army overall;

Zipper Scale Pattern Fanny Pack;

Stretch Socks Shoes High Boots Martin refers to the Dr. Martens shoes.


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