How I styled a Striped jumpsuit

Hello lovely people! How is your day going?
I took these pictures 1 and an half year ago. You can see I used to have a brunnete hair. It is my natural color. That time I just started my blog and I did not post much of my outfits, my idea was to post my photography works. But few days ago I found these my cute images which shouldn’t be hiden from peoples eyes. So I decided to share with you here.
I gave a try to style a striped jumpsuit. As you can see these are black and white stripes on jumpsuit and I wanted to add a touch of color so it will not look boring. Brown was a perfect choice because It made my look organized and completed. A straw hat, brown bag, brown bondage and gold sandals are those stuffs which helped my outfit. What do you think about this outfit? Is it still trending?

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