Everybody knows the number one symbol of France located in Paris, Eiffel Tower. The name is taken after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. It was constructed 1887-89. In Ukraine, Kharkiv, we have a 10 times smaller copy of Eiffel Tower. It was oppened in 2012 and located in the entartaining center “French bulvard”.
I have never been in France, Paris, but I am sure that iron construction has its own atmosphere, very romantic and positive. So, I decided to recreate the feeling of that atmosphere and look at the outcome. I did not want to make it so common and trivially. My ashy pink dress is maybe not everybody’s favourite dress, but, as for me, it was a great choice. Transparent heels also made my legs looking longer and light.
Все знают, что Эйфелева башня - это настоящий символ Франции, который находится в Париже. Название башни дали в честь инженера Густава Эйфель, компания которого разработала и построила башню. Она сконструирована в 1887-89 гг. В Украине, Харькове, у нас тоже есть в 10 раз меньше копия Эйфелевой башни. Открыта была в 2012 году рядом с развлекательным центром “Французский бульвар”.
Я никогда не была во Франции, Париже, но я уверена, что эта железная конструкция имеет свою собственную атмосферы, очень романтичная и позитивная. Поэтому я решила воссоздать чувство этой атмосферы и посмотреть, что из этого выйдет. Я не хотела, чтобы это получилось обычно и “попсово”. Мое пепельно-розовое платье, возможно, не будет вашим любимым платьем, но для меня это был лучший выбор. Прозрачные босоножки удлинили мои ноги и придали им легкость.
Very beautiful photos! My husband proposed to me under the Eiffel tower! 🙂 I really love your dress and all of your graceful and natural poses. Those clear heels make your legs look killer! 🙂
Thank you dear!
Wow that’s nice!
Gorgeous! why do you think that someone wouldn’t like this dress… I really do love this dress…its crushed fabric and color look so pretty and you nailed it in creating that romantic atmosphere… loved that transparent heel and all your jewelry…❤️
Thank you dear! I appreciate!
Girl you just blew my wig away lol with how cute you look. The dress is lovely
Lol you are crazy!))) Thank you luv!
I actually stay in France most of the time, while I have been traveling since a lot of my projects are there plus, some of my family. If you ever get to go to Paris you should. It is a gorgeous city, and the tower was actually put up during a festival many years ago. And the people loved the beauty of it and decided to leave it up. Today, sometimes they have said they use it to bounce signals for towers. It has many uses but still is an iconic symbol in one of my favourite cities. I think your recreation is magnificent and gorgeous. That dress you have on is truly lovely 🙂
Thank you dear, I appreciate such feedback))
what a gorgeous dress. I love your plastic heels. You look amazing!!!!
Thank you so much dear!
Gorgeous photography, Paris is among the most beautiful cities have been to.
Thank you so much! That’s great!
These photos are so beautiful!
Thanks a lot dear!
What an elegant but modern dress! I adore the color on you. Such amazing photos!
Thank you so much! I appreciate
Fantastic pictures and lovely outfit!! Great job 😉
Agnese & Elisa
Thank you so much !
Gorgeous photos! You look so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much!!
So gorgeous babe! Love this! ♥
Please check out my latest post, too? I’d love to hear something from you! 🙂
Thank you so much!
Oh my goodness, the imagery in this post is an absolute dream! So romantic and yet atmospheric at the same time. You’re a total vision in this blush slip dress darling!!
aglassofice.com x
Thank you so much Dear!
Beautiful photos! I love your dress and the heels! I never knew that there was a smaller Eiffel Tower in Ukraine!
Janet xx
Thank you hun! Yeah we do have it lol
I love love Paris. I have visited the city 4 times but after seeing your photos I do want to go back! you look fantastic xx
Much love, xx
Elegant Duchess
Thank you dear!!
This dress is so beautiful sweety
Thank you so much!
This dress is so beautiful sweety
Thank you so much!!