Hello my dear viewers and well wishers. I want to present to you the newest addition to my pictures catalogue. This time i decided to take a different dimention by experimenting with a different hairstyle and amd my free will of unique dressing and confidence all packed in my own style of fashion. As you […]
Category: Street
Festive spring mood
Друзья, всем привет! Я думаю, что все ощутили на себе изменения погоды. В Украине еще 2 дня назад было так тепло и солнечно, а сейчас так пасмурно и довольно холодно. Дождь идет и ветренно. Люблю такую погоду, когда сидишь дома, пьешь чай или кофе, смотришь фильмы. А для активной жизни такая погода не подходит. На […]
A mustard coat with a black loose dress
Всем привет, друзья! Как у вас дела? У меня хорошо. Апрель вдохновляет и дает много энергии для творчества. Но, к сожалению, лень и какая-то усталость очень часто побеждают вдохновение и прочие хорошие помыслы. Лично у меня с этим проблемы. Но я буду бороться до последнего! Поговорим о моих взаимоотношениях с одеждой в моем гардеробе. Недавно […]
How to create your own unique outfit
Hello beautiful people! I hope your middle of the week is going well and not stressful! Don’t worry it is Friday evening very soon! Today we going to discuss how not to spend so much money on clothes but to look unique and different. It is a time to use your brains and be creative. […]
1st of January wishes
Happy New Year 2019 dear friends! I wsh everybody their dreams and targets will come true, success in creative endeavors, peace in family, financial stability and, of course, more health! Although the wishes are very common, but very important in our life. In the same time stop thinking that new year will bring happiness all […]
Isn’t it hot to wear a black dress in the heat?
The penultimate weekends of summertime have began… This is the best season of the year for me altough it can be really extremly hot. That’s why ot os very important to pick the clothes which fit for the weather. This is not a new thingf for anybody for sure, but lets still talk about it […]
Vintage little things
Винтаж - это стиль в стиле! Модное слово в наше время, которое не просто выразить в действии. Не так уж и просто сочетать вещи и аксессуары для наряда или же предметы интерьера для комнаты в четкий временных брендовых рамках. Я никогда не задавалось такой целью, но мне всегда нравилось добавлять какие-то винтажные маленькие акценты в […]
How I feel confident to wear any type of clothes
Good evening my dear friends! I understand that I am not that type of fashion blogger who can really tell about all the new things and lastest trands in fashion. I just love to combinate the colors, textures, cutting of clothes and styles. I don’t read what is fashinable and what is not. I just […]
All brown everything
This summer I really feel in love with off shoulder tops. I know It used to be a trand for the last summer and funny enough only now I really feel like wearing something like this. Anyway better later than never. So I decided to wear all brown everything to recreate a warm weather look […]
How to choose spectrum color combinations
Hello dear people! Today is a great day, isn’t it? It is sunny and clear in Ukraine. Same thing with my outfit, sunny and bright, but sportive. The combination of bright opposite colors is not always an easy task. It can be difficult to compose good ones, so we can see people wear some raunch […]
Red bell trousers and striped crop top outfit
Today my outfit is simple enough and laconic. Nothing extra: white hat, striped crop top, red bell trousers and striped high heel sandals in support of top. As people say, ‘All ingenious is simple!’ Lol There is no time for philisophical topics, let’s talk about the business. All at once I started loving these kind […]