Sexy and Flawless

People think they need to do so much to look flawless, and for a time, I used to think that too. The truth is all you really need is confidence. Physique helps, true. But confidence is the real kicker. And I am…confident. I’m not ashamed of my body, nor do I let anyone body-shame me. […]

My outfit idea for spring

Hello dear readers! I hope you all doing fine. Spring is a beautiful season and I would like to share my outfit idea with you for the end of this spring. I used the online store Zaful to create this look. Here are the details: 1. Adjustable Buckle Faux Suede Baseball Hat - Pink 2. […]

Different body size in fashion

Every day I encounter people who ask me if they are fit for a photoshoot with me.This popular question comes from clients who are not comfortable with their body size, they think they are a little overweight or chubby, or short… to make story short, their body is not the model body type. But what […]

Time keeps running

Hello my dear readers! Today I would love to share with you an experience from day from my work life. Unfortunately, some of my clients have the tendency to be late for a shoot. And that was the case on a faithful day with model Emily who was 40 minutes late. Her lateness made me […]